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IMG_9331Hello friends, I hope you’re all well. I know this post has been long overdue, but, unfortunately I’ve been dealing with a few things in my personal life that has left me with little to no time to update my blog. However, this does not mean the I’m quitting, or giving up on Newhipster in any way. Newhipster is and will always be my baby, and the one passion that I will be pursuing for years to come, God willingly. “I ain’t going nowhere!”

So, back to today’s post. It’s pretty obvious what today’s post is all about; it’s about those classic pieces that every woman has/should have in their closet. Those pieces that form the foundation of your wardrobe. These are of course, the classic trench coat, everyday timepiece and court heels. There are of course many other staples, but today we’re focusing on the items as in today’s ensemble. 

To be honest, I’m still in the process of acquiring those classic, timeless, smart buys to help create that classic wardrobe. I’m slowly trying to get out of the habit of buying trend items, and I know that it’s not going to be easy and won’t happen overnight, but it is undoubtedly something that has to happen. 

I was super excited when I finally came across the perfect high quality beige trench coat at an incredibly affordable price. There was no doubt that it was going home with me. The trench coat is the perfect timeless piece with just the right weight to wear between seasons, and instantly adds a more tailored look to your ensemble. Then there’s of course the classic, timeless timepiece. A watch shouldn’t be an accessory that gets changed on a daily basis. Personally, I feel like we already have so much to worry about when getting dressed – your watch shouldn’t be one of them. This is why it is a really good idea to invest in a good, quality, timeless piece that goes with anything and everything.  This will undoubtedly make getting ready in the morning a little less time-consuming. And lastly, but certainly not leastly – the classic court heel. A classic court heel in basic black, whether leather or suede is the ultimate go-to heel that pulls together any outfit, and instantly adds that element of sophistication. 
IMG_9340IMG_9498IMG_9304IMG_9437IMG_9398IMG_9425IMG_9337IMG_9390IMG_9509Trench / Studio W – Woolworths

Fur stole / Zara

Watch / Daniel Wellington

Heels / ZaraIMG_9482


Hello there, my name is Crystal Kasper, My definition of a New Hipster is one who embraces the life, love, and happiness that fashion brings with a modern twist!!

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