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img_4769-3img_4757-2I’ve teamed up with --> also known previously as 32 Clothing to bring you an awesome giveaway. Their recent shipment of shoes is just absolutely out of this world, and when they asked me to pick out a pair I literally died and went to shoe heaven. You can imagine that this was no easy feat, but I managed to find my perfect pair. So, in the spirit of finding the perfect pair, DMF and myself would love to give one of you a R5oo shoe voucher to help you find that perfect pair. 

To Enter:

– Subscribe to Newhipster (already a subscriber, then follow steps below)

-Follow Newhipsterstyle on Facebook()

– Follow DMF on Instagram()

-Follow DMF on Facebook ()

-And, leave me a comment in the comment section below describing the perfect scenario to wear your perfect shoes.

I’ll be selecting a winner next Thursday(24/11) 

img_4760-2img_4770-3img_7954img_4754-2img_4762-2img_4846Dress / DMF 

Heels / DMF

Sunglasses / Miu Miu –

Earrings / H&Mimg_4755-2

Hello there, my name is Crystal Kasper, My definition of a New Hipster is one who embraces the life, love, and happiness that fashion brings with a modern twist!!

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